Neff’s Canyon Hike 9-15-2014

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  • Post category:Anna

Decided to take Anna on another hike and wanted something close. Had never been up Neff’s Canyon so decided on that. Parked at the trailhead and headed up, didn’t realize that is where Mt. Olympus Spring is and there was a truck filling up which was interesting. Headed up the trail which is a steep road at first which gradually becomes very rough. At about 1/2 mile or so it splits and a less traveled route goes South to the Mt. Oly spring so we went that way. The trail was quite steep, but nice an cool since it faced north and was tree covered. Leaves were starting to turn and it was quite pretty. Gradually the trail got very rocky and steep, but we kept heading up. Eventually the spring was above ground and we found a level clearing with a campsite that was a perfect turn around point. I took Anna around and showed her the water and some pinecones, trees and rocks and gave her a little snack. We rested and hung out there for about 30 minutes and headed back down. She passed out fairly quickly on the way down and slept until we got back to the car.